Jake, Master Pyromancer

Jake was a fairly tall child with a temper that was hot like fire and as quick as lightening. He didn’t know it, but Jake was actually a pyromancer, a powerful wizard that controls fire and lightning.
Jake’s bright blue eyes burned like fire. His red, mid-length hair was rough and spiky and stuck out of his hooded cloak. His long cloak was covered in intricate patterns from head to toe.
Jake had a fairly standard childhood, until one event changed his life forever. This is Jake’s tale...
It was a regular day at Jake’s mountain cottage; he ate his breakfast and had dressed into his clothes. Then, Jake heard a knock on the door; “I wasn’t expecting any visitors today” he said to himself. So, Jake went to get the door, but he couldn’t open it. Jake turned around and he wasn’t in his cottage anymore! He had no idea where he was! Then, out of nowhere, a spirit appeared; it was made of pure fire. Jake stared at it in shock and confusion. Suddenly the spirit said something. It had a spooky voice; “greetings master”, it bowed, “I am Itishon, your servant, oh Master Pyromancer’’. “What’s a pyrofancy?” asked Jake. “A pyromancer is a wizard that controls fire and lightning, Master Pyromancer” Itishon echoed. “Stop calling me that!’’ yelled Jake, “its Jake, not master!”
“You have been summoned to the land of Idanor. There is a great disturbance” said Itishon. Jake clutched his head and fell to his knees.
When Jake woke up he was in his bed and his parents were above him. “We found you collapsed on the doorstep, dear” choked his mother. “Yes, we were really worried!” mumbled his dad. “Mum, dad, I have to go!” said Jake “B-but, why?” spluttered his mum
“No time to explain, mum!”
“Where are you going?” asked his dad, “to Idanor” answered Jake.
So, without argument, he left. Jake didn’t pack any food, water or anything. He just left and, for the first time in his life, Jake used his powers to set himself on fire and flew away.

Three days later
Jake had finally arrived in the “beautiful” land of Idanor. Well, once beautiful. Jake was thinking the same as anyone else would; “what happened here?” he said aloud. Then, a shadow cast over him for a brief moment. “It must have been a cloud” thought Jake. No, it was much too fast for that. It was a dragon, but not just any; it was Drachm’ur, the world-shaker! Jake’s hands went alight and he shot twin fireballs at Drachm’ur. It bounced off and the dragon shot Jake to the ground. “Itishon, I need your help!” Then hovering orange discs appeared, scattered across the sky. However they were not discs; they were portals! Hundreds of clones of Itishon flew out and attacked the world-shaker.
The world-shaker had finally been defeated after thousands of years.
That was the tale of Jake, the Master Pyromancer.



Write4Fun.net was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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