The Only Ninja

There is a storm coming and there are big black clouds….my name is the Shigeru. I am climbing down the castle in my pocket was the necklace of princess Koka.
It is very windy and it is very wet from the rain and as I reached and go to grab the wall my left foot slips down the slippery wall and I’m left dangling by my fingers.

I will tell how I got here… i was only nine years old and I was walking down the street when I saw an old ladies handbag so I took it and I went into a dark alley way, I have escaped…… suddenly I was surrounded by six men dressed in black…The person who looked like the leader said you are coming with us and you will be one of us.

For two years I was only a servant who feed them and washed their cloths in an old bath tub, I sort of knew who they were there were rumours about this gang but no one saw them much…and they only attacked rich people.

One evening when they were about to go on to do a big mission,” I said can I come and help” and the leader said” hahaha you will never be anything more than our servant. After they went out I lay on my bed, I thought I will prove it to them. There was a black figure walking down the street….it was me.

That’s how I came to be hanging from the Azuchi Castle because getting princess Kokas jewels is the most prized thing in japan. And when I get back with the jewels I will be respected. I fall down the castle thinking this is it I’m going to die but then I land in a tree, I laugh to myself. I hear
The guard’s voices and footsteps so I climb down from the tree and run down the dark streets I tread through the windy roads. Soon I am back at the secret hide out, but when I walk in I saw the bodies of our clan members.
Now I’m the only ninja.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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