
Every spring the siblings Mike and Amelia would have the same contest. Their parents thought it was silly, but to them it meant the world. Amelia and Mike would swing on their swing set and see who could go the fastest and the highest. It was the best feeling to Amelia-she felt like she was flying. Unfortunately this spring Mike was on camp. Instead of competing against her brother, Amelia thought she would try to beat the height and speed she got last spring. This was a very bad idea.
Amelia`s family is rich they own a three storey house (the whole third floor is Amelia`s), a lake house, a farm with 63 animals, 2 tennis courts, 4 netball courts, 2 basketball courts, 3 ovals, a shack near the beach and 100 acres of backyard. It was a freezing cold morning; Amelia had to wipe the frost off the swing set before playing. She started off really well. After only 23 swings, she had beaten her height and speed that she had done last year.
As she was trying to jump off she slipped and suddenly fell off. She was whizzing through the air like a frisbee but she wasn’t spinning. She felt like it was forever that she was in the air. Finally, she saw the ground. She was falling head first and…BOOM! “Ouch” she whimpered as her head hit hard against a hard bark chip. She felt as though she were bleeding on the left side of her head, just above the ear. Amelia touched her head with her dirty finger to see if it was really bleeding. As she looked down towards her fingers she saw… blood.
Amelia tried getting up but that didn’t work. She just fell back down onto the wet, cold grass. Luckily it didn’t hurt her as much as the first fall. Suddenly everything for Amelia went black.
5 hours later…
Amelia awoke feeling queasy and thankfully, not in her backyard, on the wet grass with a bleeding head. She was in a hospital bed, but she couldn’t remember a thing. Her doctor came in and said, “Oh good! You’re awake!”
“I don’t remember anything,” she said curiously, “What happened?”
The doctor only replied saying, “You hit your head pretty hard…you have amnesia.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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