Macy's Heart

Macy’s heart

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!
Macy was outside playing basketball. Every night after school she would go into her backyard and shoot some hoops. She used to do this with her Dad, but in September last year he died from cancer. Ever since then she had been sad. Her friends Maddy and Izzie were there for her when he died.

One day she was walking home from school when suddenly she collapsed. When she had collapsed she had hit her head on a big rock. Maddy and Izzie watched and started yelling at her, trying to wake her up, but she wouldn’t.

“Ouch! Where am I?” said Macy as she woke up in the hospital bed.
She could see her Mum and the Doctor talking.
“Oh dear, you’re awake!” said her Mum.
“The doctor said you will have to stay here in the hospital because you have a bit of heart failure.”
“Heart failure!”Macy shouted, “But how will I be able to play the basketball championships tomorrow?”
“You won’t dear” said her Mum.
Macy fell asleep and her Mum left for the night anxious to come back in the morning.

Macy woke up after lunch the next day to find her friends sitting on the end of the bed with some flowers.
“Hi girls! How did the game go,” asked Macy
“Well, we lost, but we had a lot of fun” they said together.
“I missed you so much” said Macy quite sadly.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
That was the noise that sounded when Macy’s heart rate began to get faster.
Beep! Beep!
It began to get faster and faster until suddenly it stopped. The doctors came rushing in and took her into another room. Izzie and Maddy just stared in shock.

An hour later the doctor talked to Macy’s Mum. He told her that Macy would be fine. The doctors had done some tests and 10 Minutes later Macy was wheeled out in a wheel chair.
She screamed out “Mumm! I missed you so much!”
“I missed you so much too dear, how are you feeling?” Macy’s Mum asked.
“I feel okay, a bit sore in my tummy though” Macy said quietly.
“How much longer do I have to stay here?” Macy said in a sad voice.
The doctor saw Macy and told her that if she went well tonight she could go home in three days.

That night Macy’s Mum came in and said,
When you were taken into that room the doctors made you go to sleep and then they ran some blood tests. The blood tests showed that you would be fine.

Macy recovered well over those three days and was able to go home. When she goes walking now she makes sure that her heart is feeling fine.

The End
By Eryn Connell 5\6 Lowrie Spreyton Primary School


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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