Backyard Surprise

It was a very hot day and Chris was getting very drowsy playing chess with Mike in the school library.
“Check,” muttered Chris lazily.
“I’ll attack you then,” replied Mike as he slowly moved one of his pieces to attack one of Chris’s pieces.
Chris moved another piece forward, and then suddenly exclaimed, “Yes! Checkmate at last, I win!”
“Sure,” Replied Mike with a shrug, “At least this long game of chess is over; another minute and we would’ve made it into the Guineas World Records for the world’s longest chess game!”
Just then, the bell for class rang, “Ding, ling, ling, ling, ling!”
“Oh man!” cried Chris, “Our precious playtime has been wasted on a boring old game of chess!”

In the afternoon, Chris’s door bell rang, “Ding, ling, ling, ling, ling!” and reminded Chris of the hated school bell.
Chris swung open the door to find Mike standing outside. One look at the weird expression on Mike’s face told Chris that something unusual was going on.
“What’s the matter?” asked Chris curiously.
“Ah…um…a…,” Mike muttered, and then he trailed of.
“What?!” Chris asked impatiently.
Mike murmured a few unrecognizable words then managed to stammer a few astonishing words, “There… there’s a U.F.O in my backyard! Follow me.”
Chris followed Mike to his backyard and there it was, a weird, hi-tech disk hovering in mid-air.
“Go away, human beings or else!” said a mechanical voice from the U.F.O.
“Or else what!?” asked Chris bravely.
“Take this!” said the mechanical voice as a laser shot out of the U.F.O.
“Take cover!” shouted Chris urgently as he grabbed Mike and pulled him down quickly.
“Mike?” asked Chris, “Go grab your water gun, fill it with water and hand it to me. I have a plan.”
Mike scrambled into his house very carefully to avoid being shot down by lasers. After he got hold of the toy, he went to the bathroom, filled it with water and crawled back to hand it to Chris.
“Thanks,” murmured Chris quietly.
Then he stood up and put his hands in the air.
“Prepare to be destroyed!” said the mechanical voice, “What are your last words?”
“Chill out!!!” shouted Chris as he pulled the trigger, sending a spray of water at the U.F.O which immediately electrocuted it and sent it crashing to the ground.
A whole swarm of tiny one centimeter tall aliens came bursting out and disappeared as they screamed, ‘blahhimahzidaki!’
“What did they say?” asked Chris
“It sounded like, ‘blahimataskiah’ or something,” replied Mike.
“Doesn’t matter,” said Chris casually as the two boys walked away.
They noticed that a whole garden bed was crushed by the U.F.O which had now somehow vanished mysteriously.
“Oh no!” exclaimed Mike, “My mum will never believe that a U.F.O did this; I’ll be in HUGE trouble! Could this day get any worse!?”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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