Vampire Mutt

I scream as I open my bedroom door, and find green glowing eyes staring at me through the darkness.

"Kyran." I hear a masculine voice call out. I turn to run out the door I came through, but it shuts and locks tightly behind me. This is it. I think to myself. The death of Kyran.

The eyes rise into a standing position. I hear their footsteps coming towards me.

I see my window and decide to run for it, but before I can, the arms of the intruder wrap around my shaking body. he wrap his hands around my neck, I hear a crack and the darkness comes over me like a wave.


I wake up in a strange room my killer sitting next to me. Wait. . . I'm not dead! I get a real look at him, his raven black hair and sharp features, his green eyes watching me.

"Who are you?" I say gathering as much courage as I can. "Joseph." he says walking towards me. "Why am I here?" I say carefully watching him as he takes a seat next to the couch I'm resting on.

"You're in danger." He says.
"I already know that, there's psychopath sitting right next to me."

"I'm not going to hurt you."
"That's what they all say."
He gives me a killer glare.
"You need to listen." He says seriously. I nod.

"Your special Kyran, your mother was a Casanova a breed of vampire the government made to kill regular vampires like me."
"wait you want me to beli-"

"shut up and listen!" He hisses at me.

"Your father is a regular vampire, he met your mother and fell in love. She felt the same way, so they ran away together and married. your mother was pregnant soon after, but the government could not afford to have a mutt ruining their plans, so they set out to kill your mother. But it was to late she had already died in child birth. But you survived. your father went mad and left you to die.

The government have recently caught you scent. Kyran they will not stop till you are theirs."

I shouldn't believe this bull. But I cant help it.


It's been a year since then, the government is always on our tail. And i'm in love with my kidnapper.

"Watch out for the key." I whisper to him on our mission to find my father.
"Found it!." he whispers. I crouch down and walk over to him.

"This is it." I say looking at the key to my destiny. I walk over to the huge wood door, what we believe is my fathers chambers in this old castle. I turn the iron key and hear the door unlock.

The door swings open, and I see a still body lying in a grand bed. "This is for leaving me to die." I say as I walk towards him, ready to kill.

I hear a scream form Joseph behind me. I turn to see a glimpse of Joseph lying in a pool of his own blood, and a monster with it dripping from its mouth. the door slams shut.

I turn back to see my so called father standing in front of me, his eyes full of madness. "Goodbye" He whispers evilly. I feel something pressed against my heart and look down to see his hands twitch as he plunges the stake into me, and pushes hard. and The lifeless body of once Kyran, falls to the ground. Joseph and Kyran left, to turn to dust.



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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