Vampire That Lives In An Igloo

Hi my name is Katt. Boom their is a vampier in the freezing land aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but it looks freocious like it is ferocious but it is very Evil but it is freezing I shood go home but why is it following me home it maybe likes me as a friend well it is not Evil I thought to my self but why is it trying to eat a bumblebee it is hungry I think to my self but I feel hungry but I want to eat some Jelly.

Boom their is a hair tall bumpy prickly old huge wet narrow thick stripy curly red vampier in the freezing land but it is a three headed vampire but it is A ferocious it looks like it is Three headed ferocious vampire that is Evil but but it has red dark blood on it but it ate lots of people's blood for briefest and dinner aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why does vampires eat people's blood it is terrifying I am the only one in the world but every one has been eaten by the vampires why on earth wood vampires eat people when they are healthy.

Bang that not Evil it only looks ferocious because it was born like a three headed dd to look ferocious to eat people but wait a minute it is about to eat me so it is evil but it is safe now that I am at home. Mum dad are you home. Oh that's right every has been eaten so that means I am the only girl in the world for the vampires to eat me for dinner and breakfast every morning and every night. They save blood to drink for everyday and night. I grumbled to myself but I shaked walking outside to say sorry to the three headed vampires for saying that they were evil I whispered to them. I heavenly ignored myself now I am their friends now to play with not to be ferocious and be an ugly mean girl to the three headed vampires.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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