Never Friends Again

Never friends again

At Disneyland at 6:30, Spring the Bunny was trying to hide from Leo the
lion. Leo is spring’s best friend. Spring’s fur is as white as a
marshmallow and Leo’s fur is as yellow as straw.
Spring hopped on Space Mountain to hide from Leo but Spring…….fell of
“help, someone help” Spring shouted.
Leo came to help Spring. He opened his mouth and ate Spring. “That was
yummy” Leo said happily. Spring hopped out of Leo’s mouth and got very
angry. “WHY DID YOU EAT ME?!” screamed Spring. “I’m not your friend
Spring” yelled Leo “I’m going to Queensland” Spring told Leo. Spring went
to Movie World. Spring saw his brother Bugs Bunny. “Hi Spring” Bugs
yelled. “Bugs want to go on rides with me” asked Spring “YES!” answered
Bugs. First they went on Green Lantern the ride “YAY this fun” shouted
Spring. Leo followed Spring to Queensland. “OH NO” screamed Spring. Leo
wants to get rid of spring. Meanwhile …… “Let’s go on the road runner
roller coaster bugs “pleaded Spring “ok” answered Bugs. “This is boring”
sobbed Bugs “lest go on Super Man Escape” Spring asked “Oh Yeah!” Roared
Bugs. Spring and Bugs didn’t know the line was so long “I’m bored Bugs”
cried Spring. “Bad luck” yelled Bugs. “It’s our turn’ Spring told Bugs the
person working at the ride was Leo. The carts were so fast they went to
space. “we’re on the moon” laughed Spring. “I have a really good idea”
said Bugs. “What is it?” Spring asked “PARTY TIME” bugs yelled. They
all had fun on the moon. “This is awesome” cheered Spring. “I know”
answered bugs.

By Gianni M


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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