Kevin Bacon's Grand Adventure

One sunny afternoon on an enormous farm south of London lived a pig, but this was no ordinary pig. This was Kevin Bacon. He was the fattest pig on Farmer Joe’s farm. Kevin enjoyed eating, sleeping and adventures.
This very particular day was Kevin’s birthday. He had received food and gifts all day, but he didn’t want all this love and affection. He wanted a grand adventure. One that he would remember forever. So that’s exactly what he did.
The very next day Kevin Bacon set off on his marvellous adventure to London. “I wonder how I will get to London, “ sighed Kevin, “ I know, I’ll jump on the very next car that drives past this farm “. So once again that’s exactly what he did!
Kevin Bacon was now in London. He had been dropped off at the front of a significant department store that was so bright you needed sunglasses to look through the window. Kevin was having a blast. He had been shopping and taking selfies whilst riding the London Eye. The view was enchanting from up there in a gently rocking cart. When Kevin eventually got to the bottom, he slowly emerged from the ferris wheel cart to find that he had been surrounded by police officers who caught him pink handed and handed him over to the pound.
Kevin had spent over a week at the pound and then had been given to a local butcher where all the lost city pigs go to become bacon or pork dishes. But Kevin wasn’t sliced into chunky bits of meat, he was spared by accident and given to a restaurant as a whole fat pig. He was so relived. Kevin was mistaken as a dead lump of pork and served to a posh man on a silver platter. When no one was looking he made his move…. Kevin bolted through the restaurant knocking over plants and pots. It was absolutely disastrous. He then quickly jumped into a boy’s backpack that was unzipped and wide open. Kevin just fit inside the bag, though it was a very tight squeeze.
It turned out that the boy was just visiting his grandparents in London and was going back to the seaside where he lived, far away from Kevin Bacon’s farm. Kevin was going to miss all of his farm friends, but he loved his new home. Later that day Kevin and his new family went to the local beach. It was quite windy but wonderful as Kevin’s ears flapped back against his face, he finally felt free. Kevin had quite a grand adventure.
Tabitha McAuslan Double Bay Public School
Year 6 Age 11


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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