Long ago there was nothing! No light, no stars, nothing excepted Death. But that all changed when the bang went off and the stars formed and formed. Planets came to life and suns danced in fire. Death denied everything that Light caused and went out to destroy everything. Death was unstoppable, but the only thing that he feared was Light who caused the big bang. So he had to be careful of what he destroyed except Light knew what he was doing and sent him to hell at the edge of the universe!

The first billion years were peaceful without Death, however no one would die and chaos spread among the universe. Light decided to travel to hell to bring back Death. After that, Death flicked his fingers and everyone that should have been dead then died! It broke Light's heart, but he knew it had to be done. Years later Death fell in love with a strong and beautiful warrior that caused chaos across galaxies. So Death went to her house and asked her to marry him.
But she yelled, “No! I think for myself, I alone cause chaos across the universe!”
“If you marry me we can rule and destroy the universe together! Nothing will stand in our way! How about this if you marry me I will make you immortal,” replied Death.
“OK then as long as we get to destroy this universe,” replied the warrior. After the wedding they went out to destroy everything!

Light was furious! So he set forth to the last part of the universe and took the warrior's immortality. The warrior fell to a planet where some aliens shot her! Death than ran to her and saw blood everywhere! Death spoke. “Please don't die. We still need to destroy this universe.”
“I`m sorry but you can't change it. Good bye,” replied the warrior. Then she died.

Light then appeared out of the ash.
“YOU DID THIS, YOU TOOK HER IMMORTALITY AND SENT HER HERE!” yelled Death. “This was your fault! Now there is nothing left. Look out there, there`s nothing except ash.”
“You destroyed everything,” replied Light.
“I LOVED HER AND YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME. NOW WATCH AS EVERYTHING YOU LOVE TURNS TO ASH!” yelled Death. Death then caused suns to explode and turned everything to ash!

Light then turned into a sun and exploded on Death, sending him to nothing! “Now it's just you. ENJOY REIGNING OVER YOUR DESERT OF ASHES!” yelled Death and with one last breath, Death died and turned to ash.

Light knew that he was the only survivor, but again turned into a giant ball and exploded across the universe! Suns developed from ash, planets formed by dust and moons were formed by nothing except light. Light was dying, but he had enough time to see creation came to life! With one last breath he died and turned to ash! And that's how the universe ends and begins again!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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