
Excellence Award in the 'Top Secret 2016' competition


Awfully alone. That’s how I feel, that’s how I always feel. I live in a small town called Fyansford with a population of 3 221 but I don’t really count. Nobody really notices me so really the population is only 3 220. My name is Kate Samantha Smith and this is my story.

I wake up, alone.
I eat breakfast, alone.
I walk to school, alone.
I learn alone at school. Well, I’m not the only person at school but no one seems to notice me so once again I don’t really count.

Today we are leaving our small town and heading into the city of Melbourne where I will be even more invisible then I am now. Our parents have to drive us as the school doesn’t have enough money to hire a bus. My mum and I have never gotten along since my dad died so I’m going with one of the teachers. I get into Mr. Redfields ute; I notice a big box of cigarettes.....

“Dad, those things aren’t good for you, you’ll kill yourself,”
“Don’t worry pumpkin I’ll be fine,”
“Come on Katie its bed time,” said mum.
“Mummy please makes him stop,”
“Katie you need to understand people are going to make their own decisions in life and you need to respect that,”

Ever since that day I’ve never trusted my mum, I blame her, she could have stopped him, she could’ve saved his life but she didn’t.

As we are driving, the wind starts to pick up; Mr Radfield doesn’t say anything so I presume it’s normal. The sun starts to get darker and darker as I doze off.

I wake to the smell of burning cigarettes.....

“Dad! No please don’t go, “
“He’s dead Katie I’m so sorry,” said mum.
“It’s your fault,”

“Pair up kids, once you have your pair, check in with me then go explore,” says Mr Radfield.
Alone, that is what I am, again. I haven’t got a partner so I will have to go by myself.

I stole $200 from my mum’s purse while she was asleep. I made myself think it was for food but deep down I knew it was to make her notice me.

As I’m walking past the news agent, I notice something in the paper. It’s a tornado warning! I knew something was abnormal with the wind.

I run down the street screaming and shouting, “Please, someone. Anyone. We have to get shelter or even leave the country no one is safe!”

The tornado strikes. The wind is whirling all around me; I can feel it dragging me in like a black hole. But no one is helping me. It’s like I’m invisible, no one wants me. I’m better dead and everybody’s life will be better.

Somehow me thinking this just angers the tornado more it’s like its being controlled by my anger. That’s it. The tornado - it is all my anger, but how do I make it stop?


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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