Dad's Death

As I step onto the war battlefield, dirt is smothered into dust. Today’s the day. If I do die in this very battle field today, I know I will have died a hero’s death, a warrior’s death, but most of all, I will have died a dad’s death. As I look up to the clouds, they take form of my son’s face. ‘I will be with you soon, James.’ I think.

Awakening me from pondering, my mate Steve yells, “Pay attention Ben!” Everyone is tense today, especially me. Everyone knows how I feel about James. I also especially hate how he relies on me, and if I do die, he will have no one to talk to. No one to be happy with. No dad to rely on.

I should have listened to Steve. Here I stand, like a fool, still loading my gun, while the enemy force is charging at us. But now…

I’m ready.

I charge at the enemy with all my might. The field is slippery, but I keep running. Nothing is going to stop me now. But something does. I stop short, only to see. To see that a huge bullet has been released. Not at me but to my left. I watch. My lips are pressed tightly together. I watch as Steve falls to the ground in pain. As the earth around him turns into a river of blood. My mind comes back like a shock. I quickly run to him. But I slip and fall. The pain is unbearable. But not anymore important than Steve.
I grab him. “P - P - Please t - t - tell my w - wife, I- I - I’m s - s - sor- sorry.” At that moment, Steve lets out his last breath.
‘I will,” I think. ‘I will, buddy, I will.’

I’m certain nothing is going to defeat me now. Because I will surrender, and the harm coming my way will be demolished. As I walk further on forward, my brain says yes. But my heart says no. The words ring in my head. “Die! Die a hero’s death! Die a warrior’s death! Die a dad’s death! Die! Die! Die!”

“Die a hero’s death!” I repeat. “Die a warrior’s death! Die a dad’s death! Die! Die! Die!”

This time there is no obstacle in my way. I’m no coward to surrender or an unorganised fool. I’m a warrior, a hero and … a dad.

I’m about to fire, when BOOM! Another bullet is released. Not the one from my gun. This time, at me. And before I know it, I’m falling to the ground, a sharp, spiky pain, spreading in my chest, withering in pain. I have to let go, though in my mind, I know that I have died a hero’s death, and a warrior’s death. But most of all… I have died a dad’s death… Before I take my last breath, I look up at the clouds and see James. “Good bye… forever.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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