The Men From The Stars

Finalist in the 'Word Zone 2016' competition

Bright glowing lights like stars descending on an empty plain. From these stars, they emerged. That was how Brandon Kendrick remembered it. He kneeled, praying in the gloom of what was once seen as a house of God, but was now simply regarded as a testimony to the falseness of man's beliefs. The figures that had emerged from those stars three months ago had announced themselves as the creators of mankind. Having spent twenty three years of his life as a pastor, Brandon was more than skeptical of these figures announcing themselves as gods. Some shared his ideals, but most just accepted their words. They came to be known as the Men from the Stars, and were soon worshipped by millions, whom Brandon saw as the sinners who had turned their backs on God for false idols. Every day he continued worshipping the God he knew as his congregation grew smaller, begging him to smite these false idols. Yet, there was no response. Regardless, he continued praying, refusing to let his faith be shaken, even when faced with one of these false gods as he was now.
"Get out." Brandon coldly stated as he entered, the clanking of his metal garments announcing his arrival.
"Are you the head of this place of worship?" the figure questioned in a hollow monotone, sounding almost robotic in his speech.
"What do you want liar?" Brandon replied, his words being met with a soft laugh.
"In truth, I wanted to see if the rumours were true," he explained, a smirk of amusement stretched across his pale face.
"Rumours?" Brandon questioned without turning to face him.
"Rumours that there were still men who believed in this god. I must say, I find this display amusing," he remarked, his words stoking the fires of his anger. The pastor stood and turned to face him.
"You think you can deceive me like you deceived them? I swear, God will quell your evil," he stated, his eyes filled with passionate hatred.
"On the contrary. We are here to quell your evil."
"What are you talking about?" Brandon angrily questioned, his words further amusing this being.
"We have come to bring peace to a world torn apart by your "God". You preach love, but spread only hate. You speak of peace, but start wars in his name. Your God is nothing but an excuse for you to shape the world into what you want."
Brandon aggressively gripped his arm at this statement, his wrath overtaking him.
"Get out," he said once again, this time with a sinister tone. This foreign being's expression of amusement shaped into one of anger at such action, the gaze of his crystal blue eyes piercing the pastor's soul. Then Brandon heard the ringing again. Blood poured from his nose as everything began to grow dark. Within seconds, he had collapsed, fading out of consciousness. Before the darkness consumed him, he heard the Man from the Stars speak once more.
"We are your Gods now."


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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