Cannibal Island

James was on the transport plane with his fellow soldiers when he heard a loud Boom! “The engine is on fire!” screamed Jeff.
Everybody get your parachute on,” commanded James.
James, Bob, Jeff, Tom and Blake all grabbed their parachutes and put them on.
“There’s an island on the horizon,” informed Jeff. Suddenly James hears a ripping sound as the propeller falls off and cut off the wing. The plane started plummeting towards earth at 200 Kilometres an hour.
“Were not going to make it,” screamed Bob.
James who had been trying to get to the button that opened the parachuting door finally made it, he pressed the button and for a second nothing happened but then a strong gust of wind tried to rip him out of the plane as the door opened.
“Let go!” yelled James, they all let go.
Suddenly he was in the sky plummeting to the water. “Pull the parachute cord” he yelled.
Everybody's parachute exploded at the same time. When they landed Bob said, ‘looks like I was wrong.” Suddenly the water exploded as a shark busted out and ate Bobs head. “Swim,” screamed Jeff. They were half way to the island when Jeff screamed. His arm paddled wildly, trying to stay afloat as he was dragged under. James looked behind only to see the water turn red and bubbles surface as Jeff was torn apart. James, Tom and Ben were swimming wildly when they reached the shore, when they reached they all fell asleep because of how tired they were especially Blake because he was fat.
James woke up to something moving against his back. When James opened his eyes he realised he was actually moving. He look down at his feet, they were tied. His hands were tied too. James looked around and saw Blake and Tom similarly tied like James. He also saw 3 dark skin people. 30 minutes later they came to some sort of camp. The dark skin people put James and Tom in a cage but not Blake. Suddenly they grabbed him and start ripping him apart and biting off him. James and Tom stared on in horror as Blake screamed. James had a pen knife in his pocket. He started cutting the rope with his knife. “Tom I have a pen knife in my pocket, I will cut your bonds as soon as I do mine,” whispered James.
“Ok,” said Tom.
When James finished cutting his bonds he move to Tom but suddenly the cage door opened and the cannibals grabbed Tom.
“NO, no, no!” screamed Tom.
As the cannibals ate Tom, James heard rustling in the bushes. James look at the bushes and saw the tip of a MIG protruding from the bushes. A voice said, “Get ready!”
Suddenly a man dashed out of the bush shooting at the cannibals. When the man reached the cage, he shot the lock and kick down the door.
“Go, go, go!” yelled the man. James bolted from the cage and into the bush followed closely by the man.
“Jonah is that you?” said James.
“Yeah!” said Jonah.
“It’s me James,” said James.
They burst out onto the beach. “Take the MIG,” said Jonah.
There was a boat on the beach mounted with an oversized cannon. James and Jonah jumped on to the boat. James saw a cannibal coming through the bush. He start firing his gun, bang, bang, bang!
There’s a man on the controls of the cannon. Jonah had the engine going and they were safely away from the island. Suddenly the cannon fired a shell that blew up the whole island.
The End.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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