Fantasy Vs Reality

Once on a huge soccer field, there was the ultimate world cup (whoever won this was the universe’s best soccer champion) the two teams left were fantasy and reality. They both really wanted to win because they were complete opposites, arch enemies and they would never ever become friends.
The game started at 11:00am and the time now was 10:55am. But before it started the referee announced the players. He said, “On the Fantasy team we have Gobbie, Petty, Bella, Wanda and Flynn.” Then he said, “On the Reality team we have Sam, Terry, Donny, Mammo and Eddie.”
By the time it was 11.00am, they were still training. But when Terry looked at the clock he roared out “Get on the field now! IT’S ABOUT TO START!!!” They were as fast as a cheetah to get on the field. Most people were cheering for the Fantasy team, but they did not know that Reality had a trick up their sleeves. When it started, Eddie had the ball and flew as high as he could to make sure no one else could get it. But he forgot that Wanda could fly. So he dropped the ball next to Sam. Everyone was afraid of Sam because he had a deadly history. So Sam easily got a goal. “1 nil” trumpeted Mammo. “First one to get to 3 wins.” Unfortunately, someone was eating popcorn too close to the edge and when Petty went for the ball… SPLAT! Petty tripped on the popcorn and accidentally did the splits with all four legs.
Luckily, they had a safety room. When the first doctor came in, she used the x-ray. She said most legs weren’t bruised only one was, but luckily they had special cream to put on…and it worked!! While Petty was gone Reality had gotten another point, but so did Fantasy. Then Terry went for a charge, got the ball, but he was right in front of the goal except he passed it to Sam. Sam had scored the winning point. They were finally the champions.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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