Nate The Rich Stuck Up Snob

Hey my name’s Nate, oh wait a sec….
“Hey you, Nate the stuck up snob, come bully me!”
“Fine!!” Bang, punch, bang.
“Whaaa” the baby cries.
“Haha,” I say. “By the way I am a rich kid and I'm at my mansion. It's called Gisborne Palace and it's really cool. I have 100 bedrooms and a kings room would be half as good as mine. This houses retail value is 1 Gogol dollars, so yeah I'm super rich.”

“My mum is called Randy and she is the manager of the world, but she's starting to get a little bit old. She is on an income of $52,560,000,000,000 dollars a year. Some people don't like the way she runs it, there's usually a strike on out side our door.”

Suddenly, BOOM!!!!!! The door explodes and when I mean explodes I mean literally explodes. With T.N.T.
Everyone has chainsaws with a red substance on them. Just joking they just have guns which is stupid because there is over one thousand people and at least 100 of them have dynamite. Then they find out where the safe is and they blow it up. “Damn I knew we should of bought a more expensive safe!” Randy says, but they steal all the money and they chase us out.

“We have no money,” I say sadly.
“Let's go to the po... po...police.”
1 lekdcillon decades later. Just joking. We see a guy in his 20’s with blonde hair and he goes up and punches Randy. “Who the damn heck are you?” Randy yells.
“I am your husband, Camma Kai!!!”
It was at that moment… I got shot.

5 hours later…

Just joking. Randy just fainted and now we are in custody because we (apparently) wrecked the world. Now that we are poor we have no control over anyone or anything. Oh and it's Nate telling the story now. We get sentenced for 19 years in jail…
It stinks in here, I don't think I'll make it to 18 years old and that's only 6 years. At that I break down crying.

“Hi I'm Camma Kai, if you don't know me I am Randy’s wife and Nate’s dad. I saw them get taken to the jail. I am trying to make a plan to get them out of there but it is so hard. It is a maximum security prison and they have guards around 24/7. So here’s the plan, I explode everything except Randy, Nate and I. It’s a good plan, I know. If you were Nate you would say rip am I right?!?!”

Randy is having a hissy fit in jail and saying stuff underneath her breath. BEEP BEEP! A horn goes off as loud as an air horn. “What is that?” I shout at the top of my lungs. As soon as I finish my sentence, BANG! All the walls around us fall down to reveal... Camma Kai - in a construction crane.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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