
“Good boy!” Mark shouted proudly. Lately, Mark had gone down to the park every day after school with banjo his very intelligent dog. Over the years Mark entered Banjo into many competitions and had won loads of ribbons and trophies. There was one important competition coming up, Mark and Banjo would verse some of the top dogs in the state.
It was the second last weekend before the competition. Mark was determined to be in the top ten. Mark was going to teach his best friend Banjo to do one of the hardest dog tricks out there that would hopefully win them the competition. “Yes… yes... yes” he had mostly got it just a bit more practice and he would be there. Banjo slumped on the floor when they got home exhausted, “I’m so proud of you boy”
Monday approached quickly but when Mark got home, he was so excited. He had been waiting the entire day to come home to practice with banjo. When he arrived from the long walk home, he was gutted to find the side gate had been left open, he rushed through to find what he hoped was not going to happen, Banjo was gone! Mark rushed inside and called his mum “Mum Banjo is missing” his mum replied trying to be calm “It’s alright I’m on my way home now”, when his mum arrived, he was in even more of a panic they searched the whole block but found nothing.
When they got home after searching, they were miserable and all they had to do was wait. Suddenly the doorbell rang a tall man was standing out the front explaining how he had found Banjo but if they wanted him, they would have to pay, “if you want him, there’s a price” Mark and him mum were shocked, how could someone does that? “Name a price” Mark’s mum said disgusted “$500” well if that’s what’s gonna get him back then i guess we’ll have to think his mum. Mark went and grabbed his mum’s purse and handed the money over to the mysterious man, the man handed Banjo to him
Finally, the day of the competition arrived Mark was nervous but excited. There was some last-minute training to do but Banjo seemed to be up for it. Mark was called it was his turn, the moment he and banjo had been training for. “Up, around and jump Banjo had made it passed all the obstacles, but it was time for the finale this was when he was going to show off the new trick banjo had recently learnt “Yes he got it, but Mark was yet to hear the score. The judge walked on stage and announced the top three “In third place Ella Brown” people screamed and cheered “In Second Place Will Sunshine, and in first place Malcolm Smith, wait no, sorry this is just in, first is no longer Malcolm it’s Mark!” Yes, he had won!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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