
There are eight planets in our solar system. They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Neptune is the 8th planet furthest from the sun in our solar system. Up until 2006 there were nine planets and that 9th planet was pluto but now it is considered a dwarf planet. This report will discuss Neptune’s size, matter and distance from the sun compared to other planets in our solar system.

Neptune is the 4th largest planet in our solar system. Neptune is bigger than Earth but smaller than Uranus. Neptune's diameter is 49,244 km, which is pretty big compared to Mercury which is only 4,879 km however that is nothing compared to jupiter which has a diameter of 139,822 km which is a massive diameter.

Which is the eighth planet in our solar system which means is the furthest away from the sun. to be precise Neptune is actually 4. 495 billion kilometres away from the sun. Compared to Mercury the closest planet to the sun it is only 57.91 million kilometres away. That is still a lot but it makes a big difference when you're up as an astronaut.

Matter is what's something is made out of or what something holds.Like planets they are made out of a variety of materials for example Neptune is made out of gas and rock. A big ball of gas. But she also has an atmosphere which is made out of water ammonia and methane. the methane is what gives Neptune its bright blue colour.

In conclusion today we learnt about the solar systems planet Neptune. We learnt three main things about Neptune and they are size, distance from her sun and matter.I hope you learnt something today thank you.


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