Adventure Above The Clouds

Jesse groaned as she heaved herself into the car. This was going to be one of the worst days of her life! That day it was ‘Bring Your Kid to Work Day!’ While Jesse’s lucky younger brother, Tom, got to go to their mother’s amazing science laboratory, she was being forced to go to the boring office her dad worked in. It was so unfair!

As they arrived at the gigantic skyscraper where her dad worked, Jesse had an idea. “Dad, while you work could I explore a little?” Jesse pleaded.

“Of course you can,” her dad said briskly, “mind the -” but before he could say anything she had sprinted off in search of adventure.

As Jesse ran around the huge building, she encountered a sign. It read: DANGER! ELEVATOR OUT OF ORDER! Instantly, Jesse knew that this was the type of adventure that she desired, so she jumped into the elevator and pressed the button that said in bold, black letters: FLOOR 100. Whoosh! The elevator whizzed up the building as fast as a lightning bolt. Jesse was thrown across the elevator and felt battered, bruised and broken. However, as the doors slid open she gazed around her in wonder and shock. The ground that she stood on felt pillowy and soft. She was above the clouds!
As Jesse wandered, she approached a swirl of mist. As she came closer, she realised what it was. It was a tiny village with dwarf-like people. Suddenly, a plump little woman screamed, “Look! She does not belong to this village! Out!” The villagers turned and most of them began a wild chase. As they closed in on her, Jesse felt the pain of defeat.

The next thing Jesse knew, she was being led up to an impressive palace by three men in official -looking uniforms. They finally reached a grand room with a solemn queen seated on a magnificent throne. “Why have you bought this fool into my presence?” she boomed furiously. “Lock her in the dungeon and keep her there!”

Suddenly, as Jesse was being dragged away by the palace guards, the queen ordered them to come back. “Bring her to me,” she coldly demanded, pointing her finger at Jesse. Although she was fearful and frightened, Jesse boldly strode over to the queen who nodded approvingly at her courage. When Jesse reached the queen’s throne, the queen lifted up Jesse’s arm and indicated the distinctive mark on it. “This marking,” she announced, “is the mark of royalty in this land.”

“W-w-what?” Jesse replied in confusion.

“Anyone who is royal is born with that mark,” the queen explained. “It has great importance as it reveals the next rightful king or queen of the land. We have been searching for you all our lives - and we have found you, at last.”

After Jesse had said her farewells she ran to her dad’s office, where her dad was waiting with a knowing smile. “I assume you went into that elevator, Your Highness?”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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