Jeremy's Grave

"Hurry up Oliver. This is not the time to chew on my pants, you could get assassinated if you are not looking out. Jeremy held a long shotgun he got from General Konrad in his right hand. “We need to go." Then, there was a burst of shouting and swearing through his walkie-talkie.

Jeremy is a short boy born in England,1922 and the only job he could find was a soldier in the British army. He got his dog, Oliver when he was 13 years old and he had named him Oliver because he missed his little olive tree in his countryside house. His father and mother both passed away.

“Jeremy!” screams General Konrad through the walkie-talkie. “We need you to go with Carl and the other soldiers to get to the Adolf Hitler. You are going to need to go up the tower to get to him. You need to be extremely cautious.” Carl and Jeremy need to avoid all the Nazi guards, soldiers and machine gun towers but Carl had a special suit for us so getting past the soldiers were a piece of cake. He said it was called a bulletproof suit. It was very easy to move around in them and as the name says, it is bulletproof.

When they reached the base of the tall tower, they both stared upwards, and at the same time, a lightning bolt flashed behind the tower, creating a shady and spooky silhouette of the tower on the ground they stood upon. Jeremy tightened his grip on the shotgun. They raced up the stairs going two steps at a time.

Then, the Nazi soldiers started climbing up the staircase going up by threes! Most of them got too tired to continue though. A few Nazi soldiers caught up but Carl zapped them until they fainted with a ‘taser’. No one had ever seen anything like but they still had to catch Adolf Hitler, that is if he is still alive.

Right when they got to Adolf Hitler’s room, he just moved out the window and committed suicide. He fell down the tall tower with a loud thud and then the Nazi soldiers came and carried his body away and it was the end of Adolf Hitler and the war was finally won. General Konrad awarded Jeremy and Carl with awards along with a handful of other soldiers. What Carl had said next though changed everything.

Carl announced, “I am from the future. The year 2030 and I have come back into the past to help end this terrible.” With a swirl of crystal blue light, extending into the sky like a tall pillar, illuminating a bright light of blue went upwards into a hole in the sky. Carl floated away through the pillar of light and then through a giant hole extending above the pillar of light. It led to his time of life, back to his home with his friends and family and his great grandfather, Jeremy's, grave.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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