
I call my friends, Cole and Jade. We grab our cameras and jump over the fence, into the backyard of the abandoned building. We keep our hoodies on so that the police don’t see us running to the building. My name is Meyer, I’m a paranormal explorer. I pick up a rock and throw it through a window.

“Well that was smart.” Cole whispers, climbing through the broken glass.

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes, giggling.

I walk around the dusty wood looking for something atrocious. I take my hoodie off and run to where Jade is.

“There is nothing here but spider webs and three teenaged idiots.” Jade wipes her hoodie off.


Suddenly a scream comes from under the floor, we all freeze in shock, looking at each other while listening for more screams. Everyone drops to the floor listening and looking for a door or something that might lead them to where the screaming was from. More screaming and crashing comes from under the floor.

“Yeah, we are not alone here.” Cole puts his head up.

“Guys, over here, a door” Cole and Jade jog over to me as I pull the door up.

Everyone creeps down the old stairs, that leads to a small, white room. In the room was a bench and a girl strapped laying there, with her wrists slit. She looked about 16 years old, just like us, but her body was black, blue and covered in blood. A skinny, tall man appears at her feet, she starts kicking, crying and screaming again.

“P- p- p- please stop.” The girl’s voice is shaky as she is struggling to breathe.

She starts coughing up blood that pours down her cheek and down to her neck. Almost in an instance the creature bites the girl’s neck. Cole, Jade and I cover our mouths as we heard the bones crack, and see the blood squeeze out. I put my hoodie back on and so does Jade. The creature turns and looks at us, it had blood dripping from around it’s mouth and pale face.

“GO, GO, GO!” I shout.

The creature rushes towards Cole, biting his neck. Jade and I sprint out. We climb through the broken shards, running to two different tall trees as the police arrive.

“Up there! Get them!” An officer yells.

I grab a branch but black out. I wake up on my back, covered in dirt, I sit up and see Jade being pulled into the back of the police car. I feel weak and can barely move. I hear deep wet breathing behind me, but the last thing I hear is Jade screaming.

“Meyer! Behind You!”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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