The Mechanical Menace

I was standing on that cliff face moments ago. I had swapped posts with Jamie and turned to leave. As I began to walk away the ground began trembling, the fear on Jamie’s face looked like it was the victim from a horror film. His hands are vibrating with such force I think they might fall off. The ground under Jamie crumbled as a ravaging beast swarmed out of the fizzing ocean. It’s teeth, rusted yet sharp as knives, gripped Jamie with great might. It throws him into the air and with one almighty swipe of its razor claws… Jamie was gone.
Walking along the tiled path leading up to the memorial for those who lost their lives that fateful night, thoughts began running laps around my brain. I could have done more to help Jamie, he didn’t have to die. There must have been something else that I am missing. What happened? What was it? They had revealed at the memorial service that day that the beast that killed Jamie was a "Hydra" of all things. They showed us what a Hydra was so we knew what to defeat to avenge our fallen comrades. We were told to look for a great beast made from scrap machine parts. It was specified that it had 3 different coloured heads and had a stocky build. They also thought that it may only be the beginning of a larger attack from these scrap monstrosities.
I have finally found the king!
“Who dears enter the home of the Scrap creatures” A rusty yet commanding voice boomed.
"I am Tempest and I have come to avenge one of my fallen comrades. He was destroyed by one of your foul beasts.” I yell at the king.
"Ahh, that would be Hydra" the king responded.
Drawing my sword, I charge at the giant enemy and stab him in his huge mechanical foot.
“Foolish boy, you think you can defeat me,” it said in a thunderous voice.
What happens now is not what I was expecting. Its singular red-eye in the centre of its dark purple head, lit up like it was preparing for a light show when an unnatural noise like the sound of a starting computer filled the air. Another sound like a low hum is all I hear before the mysterious beam of light fires. My reflexes kick in, I swiftly wrench my blade out of its foot and leap back, attempting to fool the king into shooting its foot.
It works for about 2 seconds. It is too fast. It somehow whips its head up with surprising speed. Re-aimes within seconds and fires directly at me. Without thinking I hurl my sword through the laser and it pierces its eye. It roars with such might that it shakes the heavens and the Earth. This summons every mechanical monster ever fought. This includes the Hydra that shredded Jamie. They WILL pay for what they did to Jamie.
They will ALL pay.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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