Journal Entry: Italy

Dear Journal
I’ve just arrived in Italy. I’m so tired but so excited to be finally here. Mum had always said that when I turned 12 she would take me to Italy to see where she grew up. My mum hasn’t been back to Italy in over 20 years. So now here we are just the two of us.
We are sharing a bed, in my great – aunt’s house (or little cottage). My great aunt is my mum’s dad’s sister. Go work that one out.
Goodnight Journal

Morning Journal
It has been snowing since we got here. I am hiding under the covers in the bedroom because it’s so cold. Mum has been out there in the kitchen talking forever.
We haven’t been able to leave the house. I haven’t seen any tourist attractions or done anything.
Mum wants me to come out but my Italian isn’t that great. I have always been shy around new people.

Dear Journal
Okay I have accepted that we are not leaving the house this week.
I managed a shower in this tiny bathtub last night. The hand held shower hose wasn’t ideal but at least I got to wash my long curly hair.
Tomorrow I am going to be brave and get out of this bedroom and go out and hang with the family.
I can do this!

Dear Journal
It is close to midnight, my belly is so full and it hurts, not because of the food I ate but from all the laughs.
In the daylight the kitchen is small but somehow everyone that matters is in that room. There is a wood stove on and people came and went all day. My aunt has hands like my mum, big and bony from years of knitting. For nearly 70 she has beautiful skin. She is so funny and loud. She insisted I sit at the head of the table, not that it really mattered because everyone found each other and there was always a kiss on both cheeks and a hug. From breakfast to dinner time I sat mostly at the same spot… but never did I look at my watch.
The table was full of stuff. At first I couldn’t focus on what there was that made it so full. There was this soft cheese right near me, it was so white that the colour looked like a ghost. It was so smooth and creamy in your mouth and so tasty. I went back for more.
I was surprised I understood or should I say followed the conversations more than I ever thought that was possible. I may have missed a joke or two but I always caught their smile when they looked my way.

I had so much fun in Italy and I wish I could stay longer but I have school soon. Next time I am going to bring the rest of the family.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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