
Emily awoke in the early morning to the sun shining brightly on her face. It was a Sunday and there was nothing to do, she decided to go for a walk to the beach.
She was walking down the long beach, when she saw something glint in the sand. It was a silver key, ivy patterns were etched up the sleek metal, tiny jewels encrusted in the handle. She left the beach quickly, too excited about this key and its value. Suddenly she felt eyes watching her. She turned he head to see a man staring greedily at the key.
The man ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, "Excuse me miss, but I think that’s my key you’ve got there." He said politely. He smiled, the smile was probably intended to be friendly but instead it was slightly disturbing.
She turned to face the man and smiled in return. "G-Good morning" Emily managed to say, or rather stutter.
"Good morning miss." He returned, "Would you mind giving that key to me, it was my mother's before she died." he said
He said this much too cheerily, Emily mentally noted. "Oh, how sad, I’m so sorry." She replied.
"Yes, quite. But back to the point, I need that key!" he said hastily.
"Oh, may I inquire to what it is for?" asked Emily sneakily
"A car, now give it here little girlie."
Ahaa! Emily thought. He had let his mask fall, and he knew it!
He lurched forward but Emily was too quick. She sprinted down the street, desperate to get home. Behind her she could hear the heavy foot falls and laboured breaths of her pursuer. Obviously she was in better physical condition than he was. But he was only a few paces behind.
She sighed in relief as she saw the tall muscular man. But clearly her follower did not, and ran head on like a raging bull into the now furious policeman. The policeman grabbed him with out hesitation. A few seconds later her attacker was taken care of his hands handcuffed behind his back. The police turned to Emily.
"Would you like to tell me what’s going on?" he asked
"Well it might take a little while" she answered
"Well then would you mind if I took this man down to the station and you can explain there?"
"S-sure" she replied I a slightly shaken voice.
In the end it turned out this man had a rather large record. She was just in the wrong palace at the wrong time, or rather the right place at the right time. The man was wanted for many unmentionable things. She got a $15,000 reward. She had to return the key to its owner, but she sure didn’t care, the key was worth far less than$15,000. Besides she didn't need all that money.

About The Author
Yasmin was born in Hobart 1997.
Since prep she has shown talent and enjoyment in writing.

In 2008 she was the major the Harvey Norman writing and multimedia competition winner. She won $1000 at Harvey Norman for her school.
Since then she has been working on many narratives, and is currently writing a novel (shhhh).
Her favourite pass time is reading.

Her goal is to have her readers uncontrollably flipping the pages, and being driven insane from the suspense of her hopefully captivating books.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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