Natalie And The Pony

“Ding ding,” went the door bell.” Coming.” Thump thump thump, went my feet on the floor. “Sign here please” Scribble scribble, went the pencil on the paper; “Thank you” said the delivery man. “Where do you want me to put the box?” Asked the man. “Wait I didn’t order that box” I said, “Ok Ill send it back to the sender”, “Can I open it first?”“Yea shore”. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen. “Poor thing” it was neglected Chestnut miniature pony, as skinny as a stick, as pail as a ghost. “Thank you so much Mr” I said. Come on lets go outside I’ll show you around. Ah here is your stable suddenly she whinnied and galloped off thunders paddock. “Wait girl come back”. I think I’ve come up with a name for her Nut. Running over to Nut Natalie fell over. And when she woke up she was in side. “How did I get in here” “we brought you in here” “h h how did you do that” “do what” said Thunder and Nut. “You can talk” I said in surprise.” you two can stay inside if you want to” That night Natalie felt something nibble on her arm AHHHHHHH!! She Screamed. Nut and Thunder scrambled out of the room. Then she heard voices coming from around corner She walked around the corner and she saw the most weirdest thing in the world they were talking to each other and the weird thing is that I could understand them I could here them. Then they talked to me thunder and nut asked when show day is tomorrow. I think we should go to bed now. Next time can you please tell me that you can talk I would really appreciate that. “Ok” said the horses. “Cock doodle do” Went the Roster. “Wake up every body” I yelled. “Come on time to go NOW!” “Five more minutes” Moaned the horses. !NOW! !GET IN THE FLOAT! “Ok” Moaned the horses again.

By Natalie Grylls


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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