
Jake has always had a very happy life. He was good-looking, very smart, and extremely athletic. He always knew he was adopted, however, Jake always wanted to know his father. While thinking of another perfect day at school… BAM!

The window smashed. Jake woke up with a startle. Right in front of him was a man who was about six foot two and looked a little bit like Jake, blond hair, blue eyes. The man was coming at him with a large empty plastic bag. Jake’s mind was a bullet of thoughts. He was paralyzed. Before Jake could react the man stuffed him into the bag. While he was tying the bag Jake noticed the man’s hands were moving at the speed of light. There was no way of getting out.

As Jake was trying to kick and punch, the man jumped right out of the window. He started running full speed. He suddenly tossed Jake in the air. As Jake was sinking he realized he was going to hit the back of the car. Jake was worried now he started to weakly cry, he was very depressed. The car door rapidly opened.
Jake sank into the car. Before he could even think of escaping the man was there. He gave Jake a painful whack where the neck meets the shoulder. Jake fainted. He woke up with a splitting headache, but still managed to hear the ominous words “wait until he finds out that I’m his father.” Those words shocked Jake. He felt terrible knowing that such a horrible man was his father.

When he looked up he saw a mansion, the biggest house he’d ever seen. Jake was dragged in side the house. After he finished admiring the mansion, he sat in a chair and stared at the man. Finally he sputtered the words “Are you really my father?”
“YES!” the man responded loudly.
“Why’d you put me up for adoption,” asked Jake.
“Because two days after you were born your mother was killed and I was robbed of every thing I own,” answered the man “but now I want what is really mine”. Jake was glad he met his father, although he wasn’t exactly pleased that this was his father, never the less he was glad he met him.

After Jake finally decided it was time to go to bed he was surprised to see an I-phone. He knew he was going to escape tonight. When he heard his
so-called father go to bed he called home. When he saw his Dad park in the driveway he tip toed down the stairs. He had heard the kidnapper wake up. Jake got worried, he saw the man come out of the room and he was yelling. Jake was sprinting down the steps and dove into the car and they drove away.

Jake knew it was a dangerous escape but he also knew it was worth it.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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