
Hi, I’m Genie. I know that’s a weird name, but that’s because I am one. This is the story about my first week at school.

It was the 18th of February, my first day of school and I was already up to a bad start. I was in the same class as the school bully, Bob. He stole lunch money, gave kids wedgies and called teachers names. He was HORRIBLE! But things just kept on getting worse.

I was sent to the principal’s office for chewing gum in class. What sort of rule is that? At lunch, guess what? Bob stole my money so I had to starve.

When I got home my dad asked me if I had a good day. I said NO! and went to my room.

That night when I was looking at the stars I saw a shooting star so I made a wish. But I’m not going to tell you what it was for. Then I went to sleep.

The next day, I went to school and Bob was standing at the gate holding a kid in his hand. I asked Bob “What are you doing?” He said “None of your business new girl!” Of course I couldn’t stand it so I folded my arms and blinked and Bob dropped the kid and started doing the chicken dance. The whole school started laughing. My wish has come true.

In class, our teacher gave us our homework but it was maths I hate maths. But I had to do it. It was lunch and guess what? Bob stole my money so I had to starve.

I had to walk home that day but when I got there the door was locked. Then I turned around to see Bob walking along the street. “Can I help you?” I said “No.” He snapped back at me. “Ok then, why are you going to my neighbour’s house?” I said. “Well” he started. “I live there.” “What?” That’s right, I’m your neighbour.” “Ok, if you’re my neighbour can you tell me why my door is locked?” I said. “No, But what I do know is that you’re dad is waiting for you in the backyard try going around the back,” he said.

When I got there, dad wasn’t there. But then....... “SURPRISE!!!”
All of my old friends were with my dad in party hats. “Happy birthday Genie!” said dad. “What?” Then I remembered it was my birthday. “Thanks guys” I said. Open your presents!” said Eloise and Ellie the twins. “Ok” I said.

From the twins I got a how to do magic book, from Ruby I got a wand and from everyone I got a giant cake. I knew that something was wrong. I knew I should invite Bob.

A little while later Bob arrived and actually said “Happy birthday” and gave me a present. Maybe he isn’t that bad.

So, that’s the story of my first week of school and the Best Birthday ever imagined!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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