Captain Blood's Treasure

“No!” screamed Captain Blood as the dragon zoomed out of the sky towards him. “Not the treasure not now!”
The enormous evil dragon has large dreadful rotten teeth and nasty sharp horns. It also has wicked eyes and cruel spines running down its back. Captain Blood ruined the dragon’s spines by throwing a sharp rock at them. The dragon stepped back while roaring terribly.
Captain Blood took his sword out and blunted the dragons appalling claws. Captain Blood saw the dragon’s sharp horns and swung his sword towards the dragon’s pointy horns. Captain Blood looked at the dragon’s horns but they had been sliced off by Captain Blood’s sword.The dragon flapped his wings while racing back screeching.
Captain Blood cheered and cheered for a while until he started thinking why he wanted the treasure, not the dragon to have the treasure. Captain Blood asked the dragon why he wants the treasure.
Then Captain Blood turned around and stared at the treasure. Then He thought and thought why he wanted the golden rich treasure. As the dragon roared the Captain Blood realised he wanted the treasure for him and his family. The dragon sat down and tried to tell Captain Blood why he wanted the treasure but all Captain Blood could hear was loud roaring. Captain Blood got worried and grabbed his sword as quick as he could.
The Dragon got up and ran as he swung his tail side to side towards Captain Blood. The Dragon suddenly turned around and started fly back to his cave. Captain Blood didn’t take the treasure he just waited for the dragon to come back.
“Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap.” ”scrap.” “What is that noise?” Captain Blood asked himself.” “Who’s there?” Then Captain Blood saw 2 dragons come dashing towards him.
Captain Blood fought and fought the 2 dragons back more and more revolting dragons came. Captain Blood counted the Dragons as they flew in from the sky. There was 3 no 6 no 8 dragons fighting him. Captain Blood grabbed his sword in one of the dragon’s foot. All of the dragons crowed the dragon like they were Paparazzi. Captain blood grabbed the treasure and ran out of the cave to his ship. When Captain Blood started to sail away the first dragon realised Captain Blood was gone and chased him, but Captain Blood had gotten away......well for now.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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