Candy Land

Bang! “Candy Land is exploding!” said someone. “We know that!” said another. “Don’t worry, run into the candy castle!” said the Candy King. Mostly everyone did but Peter, Stewie and Brian didn’t hear that because they were in the house of mirrors.
Brian looked at himself in the mirror and then suddenly ran straight into it. Peter said, “Brian who did this to you?” Did you do this?” Peter pointed at himself in the mirror then ran at it too. They were both knocked out! Stewie decided to leave them there and went deeper into the house of mirrors. The further he went, the darker it got. Boom! Behind Stewie the house of mirrors began to explode. Everything around Stewie started to collapse. He was left standing on a little piece of rock and below him was an endless hole. He noticed everything around him had collapsed so he took out his re-build ray and shot it. It all came back but not for long. Boom! It all began to collapse again. “It’s not working, it’s not big enough,” he said to himself. He needed to make it bigger – much, much bigger.
He doesn’t stop shooting the ray until he gets to the Candy Castle, which is the only thing that is left standing. He got in and started building a bigger ray so he could repair the damage to Candy Land.
Meanwhile, Peter and Brian woke up in the Candy Castle. They didn’t know how they got there, but they were glad that they were safe. They went down to help Stewie re-build the ray. It didn’t work. Candy Land was destroyed forever. Or so they thought.
Peter rose with glory and held the re-built Ray V and shot it into the sky. It was all fixed!
24 hours later, Peter, Stewie and Brian had to go home to their house back in America where they would remember Candy Land for the rest of their lives. They would always remember how they saved Candy Land. That was until a big ray hit them on their way back to America. Boom! Their car exploded and they mysteriously found themselves trapped in Candy Land forever.
The Candy King appeared from far away and said, “We will fix your car and you will get to America safely and will live a happy life there but it might take some time to fix your car. We are now in war with Vegetable Land and now we need your help. Let’s hope you can help us defeat them.” Then all of a sudden Stewie says, “Use my weapons and we will win!”
The King decided to use the weapons Stewie had. They won! Candy land was safe and as promised, their car was re-built so they could travel back to America. So much had happened in such a short amount of time that they would remember from that day on but then Stewie got out a memory eraser and shot it by accident. They all forgot about everything that happened.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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