Captain Brain-e

And The Burning Bush
Captain Brain-E can do all the stuff superheros can. He’s super smart and his real name is Blayn, anyway on with the story.
One day Blayn was in the outback camping with his friends Kevin, Peter and Steve. They were eating marshmallows near the tiny flames of the fire, when Peter said, “Lets get some fire wood because the fire is almost out”.
“Good idea,” agreed Kevin “What are we waiting for?”
“Well, we’ll have to put out the fire first,” said Blayn, while getting a bucket of water.
“Hang on, why do we need to do that?” argued Steve. “Because the flames might spread,” answered Blayn.
“Don’t be ridicules, there’s no wind” laughed Kevin, as he and the two others walked off.
“Fine” sighed Blayn, as he followed the others. But as they were gone, a gentle breeze came and blew the flames off the fire to the nearby leaves and trees.
When the four friends came back the whole place was on fire!
“Oh no, my brand new phone, ruined” said Kevin while beginning to cry.
“Never mind about that, where’s Blayn?” asked Steve, while looking around for Blayn.
“Who cares, here comes Captain Brain-E, we’re saved” said Peter excitedly.
With that, Captain Brain-E swooped down and started circling the fire. Faster and faster he went and with nothing to feed on, the fire started to fade away.
“That got a bit dizzy,” laughed Captain Brain-E.
“Thanks Captain Brain-E, but my phone’s still ruined,” sighed Kevin.
“You mean this,” said Captain Brain-E. “I found it lying around near your tent, unharmed”.
“My phone” said Kevin excitedly.
“Well I guess I have to go now” said Captain Brain-E. With this he flew up and away.
Suddenly Blayn came and joined the others, “Hey guys, what did I miss?” said Blayn with a laugh.
“Well, you missed Captain Brain-E” said Steve. “Oh well, what do say we go make lunch, I’m starving”.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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