
Ovarian cancer was the diagnosis. Not understanding, heart thumping. Here begins the rollercoaster of emotions.
She had strength, hope, faith, self belief. Blood tests all the time. Lots of questions, but no real answers.
Treatment begins. Hours on a drip. Then the naked head, cold and unflattering. The pale, drawn face. Slowly, her eyes lose the sparkle. They become dull and sad. Nausea, vomiting. She has no appetite and food is boring, tasteless.
The journey is long and painful yet no one wants it to end. More blood tests. The world seeming black and cruel, especially for those with an unswerving Christian faith.
Finally, good test results. Some people are saying remission. She catches sight of light at the end of the tunnel. There are tears of joy and relief. Everyone is optimistic about the future, positive about life. Strength returns to all. Friends and family can breathe normally once more.
Then the unthinkable happens. Lightning strikes twice. Breast cancer now – an isolated cancer to her ovarian. Who would have believed it? Her world; our world; come crashing down. Hearts sink with despair. She begins to feel weak and tired. Her positive spirit has vanished. Maybe so has her God.
Is she losing the battle? Losing the desire to be brave? Her spirit is broken. Fatigue infiltrates every reservoir of strength left in her body. She contemplates the future – the next few months. Time is running out. No one wants to think about it.
Time is running out. Her body is frail and delicate, and her mind is tired. She is slowly saying goodbye, as if all the spinning cogs in her body are gently winding down, softly and gradually.
Her breathing is slow and laboured and we know this is the end. Tears well in my eyes and threaten to spill onto my cheekbones, but all is calm and peaceful, just as she wanted. Her whole family is there, kissing her forehead, telling her its okay.
She draws a breath, and the room is quiet. We hold our breath in anticipation, wondering if it could be her last. Nobody utters a word. Then she exhales and we all sigh with relief.
She takes her last breath. A warm shiver runs up my spine, as if she telling me not to be scared, that she’s happy where she’s going. Tears are rolling down my face but I know, wherever I am, whoever I’m with, my nanny will always be there.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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