Getting Rid Of The Cane

Slowly walking up to the long and huge brown teacher’s desk to receive that cane 6 times once again. Hi, my name is Timmy. I had an idea as I walked up to the teacher’s desk, to get rid of the cane forever.
I had no idea on how to steal the cane as our teacher Mr. Nan either stayed in the classroom or took the cane with him. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. I survived the hits this time but the next time I might not be so lucky and move my hands and get 6 more.
Every night just before I went to bed at night I thought up new and wonderful schemes, most more wacky than the next. Each I tried the next day. None of them worked, here are some of them.
Scheme 1: Make a distraction so Mr. Sir Arthur Nan looks and then grab the cane. I gathered a group of my best friends who also wanted to get rid of the cane once and for all. We made the distraction but Mr. Nan was not fooled one bit. He muttered; “Who ever is on lunch time duty will handle it.”
Second Scheme: Take it while he was marking work. This turned out to be a brilliant idea because earlier that day we did a gigantic 50 page, 200 question quiz on ancient structures and their history and he wanted to mark it at lunch today. I started to make my approach on the cane but just as I reached it he ran out of ink in his red marking pen. He was using that pen to mark the quizzes and the pens were located in a cupboard where I was standing. I had to run to the playground as fast as a cheetah to not get caught by any other teachers or Mr. Sir Arthur Nan.
Then the next day I had a break through, I met a 5 metre long, green talking python snake. I explained about needing to get rid of Mr. Sir Arthur Nan’s cane urgently. He said he would help me fix the problem of getting rid of the cane. My friends and I were overjoyed that he would help us get rid of the cane. I had an idea how the snake could help. You see, Mr. Sir Arthur Nan had an old fireplace where he keeps the cane that is exactly 5 metres long. My plan was to get on the roof and lower the snake down the fireplace and grab the cane. It worked! Everything went to plan and that night we celeabrated and burnt the cane to dust and ashes.
I was so glad that the long, green python snake helped us get rid of the cane. He was a hero with all the children and received a giant celebration from all the kids at school. From then on the schools never used the cane again.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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