Candy Land

A place where everything and everyone is made from sugary, candy produce, where every living body is filled with cheer and happiness right to the top. Yes I am talking about the magically majestic world of candy, which is famous for the name Candy Land. Now, what makes this land so magical is, well the candy isn’t actually bad for you. No I will rephrase that. The people in Candy Land can’t actually get unhealthy or fat because for them candy and sweet things are like fruit and vegetables for us. So if they came to earth well we wouldn’t really notice them because they are 1 tiny centimeter tall but anyway if they ate our fruit or vegetables they would instantaneously be overweight, unhealthy miniature people, or that is what they all thought. So that is why they stay in Candy Land under the ruling of Mr. Candy and little Princess Candy.

One gloomy night in Candy Land there was a terrible storm. It was only terrible and quite frightening because Candy Land hasn’t had a storm for 74 years. Candy houses lifted into the air and were circling and drifting everywhere, candy trees were ripped out of the bitter chocolate ground and thrown into the air. Many homes were crushed into pieces of sweet candy never to be repaired again, sadly some candy people also died be getting squashed by sugary items falling on top of their homes. Mr. Candy sounded the alarms and most people evacuated their house for the night and slept in the safe and sheltered Kingdom Of Candy.
In the morning there were no birds singing, the rain was still pouring down outside the kingdom windows. Mr. Candy opened the kingdom doors only to see his dainty Candy Land destroyed by the horrific storm the other night. He immediately sent all the builders to build new houses and for the soldiers to help. He sent all the gardeners to fix the rough ground and all the messy gardens, and he kept the all families safe and sound. Mr. Candy may have looked calm but inside he was freaking out, having a panic attack then suddenly Mr. Candy dropped to the ground, the mini doctors were sent and they treated him as soon as they could.

After hours of trying to save Mr. Candy there was nothing they could do to keep him from dying. Everyone stepped back in shock of their ruler’s dead body in front of them. Princess Candy ran in the doors of the Kingdom and fell to her knees and started to ball her eyes out with her hands around her dad’s deceased body on the floor. It was now all up to Princess Candy, after talking to the doctors she found out he had a heart condition but hadn’t told anyone. They said it was from all the candy.

Two years has past now and Candy Land is now officially Fegie Land. Everyone exercises and the only things they eat are delicious fruit and vegetables. They all are happy and healthy and nobody has ever had any type of medical conditions since.

The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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