Gazing Into The Wishing Well

Hello, my name is Robert. I am the rustling of the bushes, the howling of the winds and the reason you hear those scary sounds at night. Why? Because I have to that's why. It all started a long time ago when I was young and foolish. I was stupid and didn't know any better. After this happened I opened my eyes and vanished all sorts of stupid that were in my brain.

Back in the 1800's when I was younger we had to walk forever just so we could get water. Most of it spilt out anyway. My wife was calling to me downstairs. Marrying young in those days wasn't a big fuss at all. It was actually considered quite offensive if you didn't. "Remember to go to a different well and make sure the water is nicer this time, okay?" my wife Rowena reminded me. "Okay," I shouted back to her as I walked out of our one-roomed house. We were to poor to afford anything with at least two rooms. After an hour of walking I got there. I stared at the water in this different well and hoped it would be cleaner than the lat one. It was. The only thing different was that next to the well was a sign saying just this;

Stranger beware of the danger of this well,
Though it's powers are quite intricate you can tell,
It waters will tell if you are ready or not,
To receive the gift it's got,
If yes then the throw a coin into it behind your back,
If no then flee or be attacked

"How stupid," I thought aloud. "Let's give it a go, just for a joke." "I wish to be rich!" I shouted. Nothing changed. "Stupid" I thought. I walked back home, sad that I had lost our last coin over a silly joke. I got home and slowly turned the door of my mansion house. Wait, what? That's right I now had a mansion. "We are rich" I shouted out to overjoyed to keep myself sane. This house had 3 stories and was 300x as big as our tiny, one-roomed house. I was now so happy I was speechless.

I soon got a taste for money. The very next week I went back to the well. "I wish that everything I touch turns to gold and that only the gods can turn it back." I tried touching a leaf and hallelujah it was solid gold. I ran home incredibly happy I opened the door to my mansion. It turned to gold. "Rowena," I shouted. " Be a dear open the door for me." After she had opened it I forgot my power and touched her shoulder. I watched as my wife turned to gold.

I tried everything to get her back but nothing worked. That is why I have this job. As long as do what I do everything stays just right.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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