Candy Land

Once upon a time there was a town called Candy Land and all of Candy Land was made of candy. There was a King and Queen who ruled over the land. One day the Queen had a baby girl…. BUT that night the baby girl got STOLEN.
The following morning the King and Queen realised the baby girl was gone. The King and Queen were looking for the baby girl all day and all night. Four days later the King and Queen finally found the baby girl. They found the baby girl at their enemy’s house. Because they are the rulers of Candy Land they made him move house.
The next day the King and Queen were SOOOOO excited because it was their baby girl’s birthday. Yay! The King and Queen decided they will name her.
On the day of her party everybody in Candy Land was there. Suddenly there was a thump at the door. “What was that?” said the King. “Are you brave enough to go out there?” “Yes” said the King. “I will go out…” So the King went out there terrified.
When he got to the door he opened it with his eyes shut…. BAM CABOOM people from everywhere came in for the baby girl’s birthday. They partied and partied all night long…. Finally they named the baby girl…. Crystal.
The next day they took Crystal shopping for clothes. Next they took Crystal for a walk. Then Crystal went for a sleep. She slept all day and all night. Finally she woke up… and it was the middle of the night, Then the Queen thought she was awake but he was not, she dreamt that Crystal was a teenager.
Twelve years later Crystal was a teenager and it was her wedding day. Finally it was time she was marrying Prince Ben. Don don don don don don don the bells went… just then they KISSED…. And they lived happily ever after.
The end.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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