Captain Cook- Extracts From My Diary

13 May, 1787

I, Captain James Cook, do solemnly swear that I will write in this diary everyday as I sail to an unknown country.
14 May, 1787

I feel so excited to be chosen to sail alongside Captain Arthur Phillip. I should start over. I have been sent to an unknown country by Her Majesty, The Queen to deliver convicts who have broken the law. The queen decided that instead of the usual punishment (being hanged) she would trust two captains to deliver them to the unknown country. I have written quite a lot today so I will continue tomorrow. Au Reviour.

15 May, 1787

After a breakfast of biscuits and tea, I finally have enough time to continue writing. A few of the convicts have already experienced motion sickness onboard and we still have a long time to go. Captain Phillip ignored them, as did I, but I couldn’t’ help feeling bad. We give the sick ones dry biscuit and tea to keep them alive but that’s it. I feel so tired because I had a late night last night talking to Captain Phillip. He was talking to me about the trip. He told me that we were going to stop in various places for more supplies, as it will take us at least another year to get to the unknown country since it’s on the other side of the world. Oh, Captain’s calling me. See you tomorrow.

16 May, 1787

Another late night. The whole crew was asking which countries we should stop at. One suggested Rio de Janeiro while another suggested Thailand. In the end Captain decided Rio de Janeiro was enough. I asked Captain this morning if he wanted me to check on the convicts and his reply was, “That would be lovely.” I went down to see them but I instantly regretted it. Half of them were in bed groaning while the others rushed to buckets. I felt so bad. I heard a crash, followed by a shout. I rushed up to Captain’s cabin, and found that the cook thought he saw a shark, and dropped Captain’s lunch. In the end, Captain was scolding the cook for being so silly, when we heard a clap of thunder. I took one look outside and began shouting instructions to the crew till my throat was hoarse. Why? There was a huge storm brewing and it was headed our way. I have to go help so bye, for now.

19 May, 1787

Sorry I haven’t been writing for the past couple of days. I was busy trying to stop the ship from sinking in the storm, which just ended 15 minutes ago. The convicts are worse than ever, I guess from being tossed around in the boat during the storm. I feel so sick myself as I was mostly on deck. Oh... I feel so unwell. I have to go.

20 May, 1787...

By Yasmine Aboud Yr 6
Fairvale Public School


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