Painting Peppy

Peppy was once a sad, lost and lonely puppy. He did not know that he had 3 legs. He didn’t even notice that he didn’t have a home. Because one day he just walked into the open door of our art school, looked around and wondered, where am I? “This looks nice,” thought Peppy. “I wonder if there is any food here. I am so hungry after those big walks.”
Peppy was a sad dog because he had no home or family. He was hungry and the day Peppy saw a door that was open in a house that was warm, he didn’t feel so sad and hungry any more. Peppy the 3 legged dog went inside. He looked around and saw us painting. One of the girls in the room said to Chrissy the art teacher” look there’s a dog with three legs. He looks so sad. Can we keep him?” Chrissy looked at the black and white spotted puppy and said, “What shall we call him?” Let’s call him Peppy we all said. We all thought that was a great name.
The next day we went to the pet shop to buy some dog food and a bed. From then on Peppy was the best art model we ever had, even with three legs. Peppy found a happy home and now had lots of friends! Peppy was never sad at his new home and lucky he had 3 strong legs because he needed them to hold up his big fat tummy.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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