
It’s looking at me. A strange figure with what appears to have huge, long eyes. It also has the ability to walk on two legs and speaks a strange language.
Why is it looking at me? What is it going to do? The last time it was there, one of my family was shot dead and they sadly removed his tusks and took them away in joyous victory.
I am a friendly, playful rhinoceros, who is roaming freely through the jungle with my family. We are peaceful animals that don’t harm anyone. I don’t know why these strange figures keep coming into our peaceful territory and killing us. Why are these figures so interested in taking our tusks away? What are they doing with them? More and more of my rhinoceros family are being killed in this way.
If these strange figures keep doing this, I am scared that there may not be any rhinoceros left.
I think I am in real danger now, as the small strange figure now has taller strange figures behind him. They are pointing at me. The small figure passes his long eyes to them, they look through these eyes at me. They are looking right at me, then they pull out what appears to be a big long, black, scary weapon.
It is a gun!
This is what has happened to some of my beloved family. They are going to try and kill me; they are going to kill me for my tusks.
I need to run, but then...


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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