Get The Trick

Get the trick
I'm still hobbling around on my crutches and my arms are starting to kill me. The doctor said it will be about six more weeks till I get my plaster off. I will tell you the story of how this happened to me. Oh and I'm Hollie!

On Christmas my dad and mum gave me a gift voucher for school holiday dance camp. Waiting for dance camp to start I was so excited. I just wanted to learn new things.

On day one of dance camp I met Ollie and Brooke. I met them at my first dance class. We have been dancing together for just over nine years now. We know each other so well. Before we went into the dance room we got told to stretch. Then we went into studio three and met new people. We learnt how to do side jete and we also started to learn how to do foot rolls.(I was not so good). Our teacher, Miss Nicole, told us to practice for day two. That night I was doing a cartwheel and rolled my ankle. I was struggling to do things.

The next day my ankle was a little bit better. At dance camp we did the same as the day before and some corner work as well.Then we showed our teacher our foot rolls.
The teacher knew about my ankle so she said "Hollie will you be able to do this?" I said "I don't think so". The next day my ankle was fantastic. I went to dance and showed my teacher my foot rolls. I was not as good as I thought I would be.

That night I went home and it was game night (game night is every Friday night). In the morning I was running late for dancing. On my way there I tripped and hurt my foot. I was crying heavily. My mum called the ambulance while my dad stopped me from crying. At the hospital the doctors said I have a broken foot. The next day my friends and their mums were with me in the hospital. In about two days I went home.

That is where I am now telling you the story. I am at the hospital going home now.

The end


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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