Jeffs Toy

One afternoon Jeff was playing with his new toy. He was having such a fun time and then he had to go to bed. "Come on now it's past your bed time" his mum said." Please I don't want to go to bed" Jeff said." Go now or you will lose your toy" his mum said." Ok" Jeff said.but Jeff left his toy outside.The next morning Jeff was so excited to play with his new toy but....where is his toy. "Oh no I've lost my new toy".He was so sad then he thought. " I'll go get it" Jeff said. "Yes I will go get it".So he decided to go at night.So he did but oh no it's thundering he hated the thunder and lightning but he really wanted his new toy, so he got his jacket and then he was off into the storm.Then he came to a dumpster, he sat next to it and looked at it, and searched for it he could not find it, dumpster after dumpster he just could not find it. He felt so sad then finally he came to a junkyard, he searched the many, many piles of rubbish. He found old dog food can, old chew toys and garbage. There was one pile left to search and he searched it. He found a tunnel leading to what seemed to be laughter,so he went down, it was dark very, very dark. At the end of the tunnel there was a light he walked in. There were 5 angry dogs staring at him. It looked like a gang of dogs, one had a funny hat on and thought it might be there leader so he asked. "Excuse me but have you seen a light blue toy" Jeff said. "Yes"their leader said. "Can I have it it's mine I lost it yesterday?"Jeff said. "Yes you can here you go you might have to wash it because I chewed on it, bye" their leader said. "Bye" said Jeff. Now Jeff just had get home, it didn't take that long he remembered the way home. "Mom I'm home" Jeff said. "I missed you so much where were you" jeffs mum said. " looking for my toy I lost it sorry" said Jeff. And that is the story of jeffs toy "THE END"


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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