Can You See Me?

Eoghan was a regular boy but something changed his life forever. He woke up, went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror; but didn’t see anything! Eoghan was invisible!
‘Maybe my brother pulled a prank’, he thought, ‘better go tell Mum’.

“Mum, where are you?”
“I’m out in the kitchen”.
“Mum, I think Kevin pulled a prank and I can’t see myself in the mirror”.
She turned around and said, “Eoghan, where are you?”
“I’m right here. Don’t tell me you’re playing the prank too?”
“Eoghan, I’m serious; I really can’t see you. Let’s go to hospital”, said Mum in a panic.

Getting out of the car, he caught sight of his friend Jack with Hunny, a beautiful golden retriever.
“Hey Eoghan”, said Jack.
“What, you can see me?”
“Yes. This happened to me once and I know what to do!”
“What are we waiting for, let’s go!” Eoghan yelled.
Jack looked down and said seriously, “It’s not that simple. First we have to get three ingredients; some giant’s stomach juices, Queen Victoria’s snot and a green truffle”.
Eoghan looked shocked, “That’s a lot of green!”
He turned to his mum and said, “Mum, Jack knows how to fix this. Can he come and help me?’’
She nodded and they were off.
“First we have to go to the Giant’s Hollow in Yowie Bay, under the primary school”.
When they got there, they squeezed under the gate, crawled under 4M’s classroom and down a hidden passage into ‘Giant’s Hollow’. They soon saw a giant asleep.
“Guys, I rink I can roo this”, said Hunny.
“What, can Hunny talk???”
Jack looked at Hunny and said, “Yep that’s why we were at the hospital”,
Hunny picked up a feather and tickled the back of the giant’s throat. “Watch out!”, Hunny called as the giant started to gag and throw up. Eoghan quickly grabbed a bucket and put it under the giant’s mouth. “Got it! Let’s run before he wakes up”.

As they were crawling out Jack pointed out a teleporter and they jumped inside, typed in 1875 and were instantly in Buckingham Palace, right next to the queen. Lucky Eoghan was invisible and he carefully stuck his finger up her nose and got a huge, hairy piece of snot. Queen Victoria had a look of surprise and said, ‘We are not amused’.
Before she could work out what was happening, they got back in the teleporter and pressed, ‘France’, the Dordogne, 2015.
They landed in a cowpat, under an oak tree. Hunny sniffed around the base of the tree and started digging. The first truffle found was purple and so she kept digging till she found a green one.

“What next?” Eoghan asked anxiously.
‘Mix the three ingredients and rub it all over you’, said Jack.
Gross but it had to be done. Eoghan’s face went white but he knew he had no choice. Two seconds later he was visible!
“Let’s go home and have a shower!”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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