
One day in the zoo, 781 was feeling just as lonely as the day before. 781 was the only pink elephant in the zoo. 781 was the only pink elephant in the world as far as anyone was concerned. When he was born he was such a disappointment to his parents because he was the only pink elephant.

781 was always laughed and made fun of by the other elephants and people walking past.
One day a little girl called Meg was walking past the cage that 781 had been in for 12 years. Megs dream was to meet an elephant, and her favourite colour was pink.
“But why can’t you ride another one?” asked Megs dad.
“Because I want to ride this one” said Meg.

After Meg had ridden 781,781 was delighted that after 7 years someone had actually ridden him. He felt so happy. Happier than ever.
“Can we please take it, please, please!”, pleaded meg.
“Maybe another day”, suggested Megs mum.
“Look its even half price”, said Meg, pointing at the sign.
“It’s true”, said the park owner, “we would all be so thankful if you took 781, if he’s not sold, he will have to get put down.
“Okay, okay”, said Meg’s parents.
“YAY”, shouted Meg as she did her happy dance.

So that night they went home with 781 and when Meg kissed him goodnight to him, she named him George. George was as happy as could be.

The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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