Cannon Man's Return

Boom! Boom! “Oh no, we're under attack. Joe you go and distract the laser men on the left, Angus right, Tom back, James forward, Hamish up and I'll go down and after that we will go in the escape pods to our destination safeland, let's go fight!” We struck into action. Once I got down the stairs, the laser men were ready for me. They circled and I became trapped. I got my multi-shield made out of deflecto-metal and before I could strike they fired at me, I blocked them all except one, which blasted me backwards. When I fell down, I got my multi- shield, switched to gun mode and shot him making him fall down. Then Hamish and everybody else came so we could go in the escape pods. Once we got in the escape pods, our ship exploded. After an hour was gone, we arrived at the safeland. When we arrived it was all dark when it's usually light. So that meant only one thing, Cannon man invaded the Safeland. All of a sudden, a hologram popped up it was Cannon man. He said, “We have got bombs that can put you to sleep and trap you in laser cages.” I said, “We need to get those bombs before it's too late.” I decided to go to Cannon man’s lair because my friends were injured. Once I got in the ship, it only took two minutes. When I arrived at Cannon man’s lair, there were laser men guarding the entrance, but it was easy to destroy them. Cannon man was waiting for me at the end of the room, the bombs were beside him. Once Cannon man saw me he said, “Laser men evacuate the room.” It was just me and Cannon man. Cannon man tried to blast me, but I blocked it. I grabbed the bombs and threw one at him but it didn't make him go to sleep, I threw more bombs and he fell asleep and I took him to a powerful jail with the laser cage still on him. The safeland was light again and everybody was happy. The end


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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