Narrative- Sylvester And Tweety- Sylvester’s P.O.V

My eyes flung open as I smelt the pink, cold flesh of a small little Tweety Bird. I sneered and licked my plump, dry lips hoping to sweeten them up as I scavenged through the reticent apartment building. Not long after I arrived at suite number 59- the home of Tweety Bird. I decided to play nice as I scratched on the old creaky door. Grandma opened the door and showed her affection for ‘I the poor kitty cat’ as she welcomed me into her antiquated home.

I swiftly moved inside the house as I laid my bloodshot eyes straight on the bird. My fur was static as I watched every move the bird made, moving closer and closer until I was face to face with my meal. Abruptly Grandma slid the decrepit door wide open jamming to her 70s tunes. All of a sudden I was in the air being swung by my brittle arms as Grandma eyeballed my bright eyed bulging eyes. As we swung I could see her crippled face becoming smaller and smaller, until I noticed her elderly hands had let go of my paws and I was flying out the open window. ‘Bang’ I landed amongst the rapid cars accelerating on top of my delicate body as I became a flat pancake lying on the orbital road.

Grandma cowardly peered out of the expansive window as a gasp of fright spread across her pale face. She took one last faint breath as she tumbled to the ground. A nauseated feeling came across my body as pain surged through my blood- she was dead!!!

I scurried up the apartment building focusing entirely on the phone. The number 000 was flashing through my mind as nothing else went through my head but to get the phone. Until at the corner of my eye I noticed Tweety Bird, frozen in his cage . The bird began shaking with fright as I cunningly moved closer to him, each footstep creaking on the old timber floorboards. He started whimpering under his subtle breath and a few drops of tears came falling out of his glowing eyeballs as I arrived at the cage.

I slyly opened the cage door as I grabbed the bird by his petite legs, he was frozen with fright - his blue eyes bulging with fear and his bright yellow feathers became frantic then still. I lifted the bird up and dangled him over my muscular jaw line- my ovoid mouth completely open, teeth flared out, only the sharpest tips were visible to the bird as I lowered him in my open mouth. As I was about to devour the bird whole a suspicious shadow figured behind me. I slowly peered around me to find grandma with an infuriated look on her face as I sighed to myself ‘oh no’.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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