Gerald And Katie

The sun giggled, as radiant rays of light tickled Katie’s sleepy face. Excitement flowed through her like electricity. With enthusiasm, Katie bounded around the corner of the white narrow corridor. She leapt down the polished staircase with a beaming smile that was brighter than a thousand fireflies. With great speed, Katie sprang out the door into her backyard.
Katie went from happy to sad in less than a second. Her face was a look of worry. With a quavering lip, tears welled up in her eyes as she held up the white rope in her backyard. Katie’s head spun around in all different directions. Where was he? Where was Gerald?
Stifling a sob, Katie walked into the overgrown bush. Quickly she ran back out, hoping Gerald would appear. Sadly, nothing different had changed, the white rope still lay on the ground and Gerald was still not there. Tears flooded her face as she ran with her head hanging low on to her mother’s swing. Everything about it reminded Katie of her mother; the smooth wooden seat, the delicately woven rope. Suddenly, an idea sprouted in her head. Hope and faith chased away the sadness as she ran up to the house.
Katie began to draw and write. Her posters were bright and colourful. Visiting the neighbourhood, she asked everyone if they had seen Gerald. Every time though, people just shook their heads. Light drained from her. “Gerald is gone!” she thought aloud. Even though her face was wet, she kept on going. Gerald could not be gone, well not for long.
Katie sat on the oval with her head in her knees. She felt something nudge her on the shoulder. Turning around with shock, she saw her long necked, brown spotted friend who was taller than a tree. “There you are my sneaky Gerald.” Happiness took over her body as Katie and Gerald walked happily to the playground.
“One, two, three…” Katie slowly counted as Gerald tried to hide. Within minutes, Katie had found Gerald trying to hide behind a tree. Katie looked up into his brown eyes covered by his long lashes. “Let’s go home,” Katie softly spoke as she gently patted Gerald’s nose. The duo cheerfully walked with smiling faces, home.
The End.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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