Candy Chaos!

Blop! Blop!
The whiteness covered the shadow of who had done it. Green gooey stuff dripped from Leon’s shirt while in Susie’s room she celebrated triumphantly. The polka dot sweet cupcakes surrounded him. Outside the window, creamy frosting lay on the ground. All Susie could think about is the raving she had to fight. News Flash! The TV came on abruptly as Susie screamed in fright. Evil Head was coming to town. Something must be done…
Susie ran outside into the misty, precarious forest swooping branches and trees hoping to fight the Evil Head. Until she comes across a tree. Lightning bolts flash on the ground. Susie remembers it’s the zapping tree. A zapping bolt was getting closer to her she must dodge it. She leaps into the fresh air and lands softly on the green grass. Another one was coming about to slice through her body she rapidly moved and was saved immediately she ran off.
Little way off behind some towering tree the electric circuit was turned on. Zeep! Zeep! A row of blue wavy rows appeared out of nowhere. Susie was confused. She tried to walk through it but it zapped her and scorching hot flames rose from the wires. As sweat dripped off her arms overall she decided to jump over it. After the last one, he strolled nervously along the foggy forest.
Soon she was there. An enormous laboratory loomed over her. A door stood there as still as a statue. Smoke rose from the broad chimneys. It created a disgusting stench. Susie tiptoed towards the building. She opened the door it creaked open. Inside it was pitch black all you could see was the fog. Abruptly lights flashed on. An old man stood there with his bony fingers tapping his watch “Well hello there who might you be, no one can stop me now!” he cackled confidently. “Just a minute I have a proposition for you!” “What might you have that I might not have!” she replied. “Well, you do know that I am going to destroy Candy world if you give me that bracelet. Candy World is all yours.” He stuttered wickedly. Susie touched her bracelet. It gave her a sparkle. She then had an idea. “Fine, I accept.” She answered sadly. Susie passes the bracelet to Evil Head. As soon as he caught it lava oozed out of the bracelet chortling. “Aahahhahhah, you wicked creature, I am sure I will get you.” He whispered. Suddenly magical portal stood there and back she was in her normal, fun, hilarious life.
“Ewwwwwwwhhwww!” I used shaving cream instead of soap. That is the worst thing ever can I get a new brother. What can be worse than this?” Squealed Leon. One thing I have learnt from this amazing, miraculous journey is that sometimes in your life you will have to make tough decisions.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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