George And The Magic House

Long Haired Larry was going for walk DOWN A DARK ALLEYWAY and came across a weird house. He cautiously walked into the strange place, he tiptoed up the stairs. He crept into a room, turned on the dimmed lights and found a crooked bed. On that bed was a large book. Larry slowly opened the book and read some of it, he eventually realised it was a book of spells.
Without warning the house came to life. Larry wondered what was going on and out of nowhere came the King of mini, mini, mini pigs. He had a leash attached to himself, so Larry grabbed the leash and the pig, called Chris P.
Bacon, became his pet. Larry scrambled out of the room before the house became completely invisible.
All of a sudden, Larry and Chris P. Bacon were tossed around, smashed into walls and face planted on the floor. A bad guy, 'Barbecue Bob' who worked at Crumbly Grandma's B.L.T. Burgers used his 'invisible things' goggles and found the mysterious, now invisible, house. Just at that moment, Larry and Chris P Bacon skydived out a window and amazingly landed on their feet.
Barbecue Bob leapt out at them!! - "Arghhhh!" they squealed.
Barbecue Bob took them back to Crumbly Grandma's Burger joint. Larry was locked in a large cage whilst Chris P. Bacon was force fed lots of food so that when he was fat enough they could cook him. They didn't feed Larry and left him to die.
A couple of days passed, and Larry remembered someone on telly using a hairpin to pick locks. Having long hair came in handy sometimes! He used the hairpin his mum forced him to wear to keep his fringe from falling into his eyes. After jiggling and meddling, the lock was undone. He unlocked Chris P.
Bacon's cage and together they ran into the kitchen and 'SOCK!' 'BOFF!!
'WHAM!!!' 'KAPPOW!!!!' they beat up Barbecue Bob and Crumbly Grandma before running all the way home for milk and a biscuit!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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