Zoned Out

The clock struck 4pm on a Tuesday afternoon, the weather was oddly mild for the middle of Spring and Luke was stuck behind the counter of his part time job at the supermarket. Business was slow, increasingly slow when holding a gaze with the clock as the seconds ticked by. Luke’s shift finished at 5 so he had an hour left of constant scanning before he could race home to finish watching his favourite show. As time went on he served a few more people before realizing his shift had finished, he cleaned up his workstation, grabbed his belongings and hurried outside to where his car was parked. Luke started to leave the parking lot checking both ways before pulling out of the car park, he pulled forward and before it was too late he had been hit knocking Luke into a deep state of unconsciousness.

He opened his eyes slowly to a white room with little to no furniture and a distant beep coming from his left, before having the chance to grasp what was happening a female wearing white entered the room telling Luke he was free to go.

He sat on the edge of the bed as he prepared to leave the hospital. He stood up and looked around the room feeling dazed. Walking towards the exit he reached into his pocket finding only coins, confused and disorientated he walked the streets as strangers looked at him in amazement like he was some kind of higher being. He approached a small cafe and sat at the tables outside, a young waiter in his mid 20’s walked up to Luke with a small notepad ready to take his order. He took a closer look at who he was standing in front of, the pair looked at each other for a short moment. Luke began to tell the waiter his order before being interrupted almost instantly.

“Luke Miraz, like THE Luke Miraz!”

“Can I please have your autograph?” he requested.

Puzzled, he signed the waiters notepad and smiled softly as the waiter rushed inside like an excited 6 year old who had just lost their first tooth.

“What is happening,” he thought to himself.

Luke looked around the streets, his eyes landed upon a large illuminated sign with his name on it announcing,

“Luke Miraz national tour tomorrow night!”

Luke stood up in shock not knowing how to feel, he blindly walked into the streets captivated by his name in lights. He heard someone yelling his name in the distance, he turned to see who was behind the voice. Before he knew it he was facing the very same white room with little to no furniture and a distant beep coming from his left he had experienced moments ago, except this time he was completely conscious.

“Luke you've been in a coma for the past 6 months, but I've got some good news for you, some of your fans left you gifts,” she says.

“I have fans?”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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