Candy Wonderland

Candy Wonderland

“Colonel we’re running out of candy corn” said general “just keep firing” replied Colonel Marshmallow “we’ll figure out something” said Colonel so they kept on firing until they were out of candy corn so they had no choice but to bring out the gummy bear so Colonel grabbed a whistle and blew it and summoned the big scary gummy bears.

Then we heard a big growling and this is what we saw:
The vegetables were so frightened but then The broccoli pulled out something from his pocket it looked like a carrot but a whistle at the same time then he blew loud and out came a gigantic horde of carrot rhinos and it started attacking the gummy bears so then the war continued until the gummy bears used their special move and they combined a into a giant gummy bear the carrot Rhinos copied and they formed into a carrosaurus Rex he had copied their special move and now he is launching pointy carrots into the gummy bear so the gummy bear started firing heat seeking mini gummy bears and they started chewing the carrosaurus Rex so the vegetables started shooting the mini gummy bears and they all fell down so the carrosaurus Rex started trying to tear the gummy bear apart but the gummy bear was to strong so Colonel marshmallow started firing grenades at the vegetables so they grabbed the holy candy cane of Antioch and started charging at the vegetables the so the vegetables grabbed their apple rpg and the war continued but one marshmallow packed his stuff and was running toward the forest so he built a home while the war kept on until finally the war had ended so the marshmallow started practising his throwing with a toffee knife.

Marshy (yes that’s his name) was looking for some food then he saw something it looked like a watermelon he started chasing him but then he realised it was a fruit and he made an othe that he would not be friends with a non sweet treat but he had no friends so he followed him home and saw it was a house made of sugar treats so he went in and saw him in the kitchen and went up slowly but carefully and just as he was about to get there the watermelon turned around and was holding his knife but it looked liked the watermelon was covered in sugar so I said “why are you sugar coated” “because I switched sides” said the watermelon “I hate being fruit I wish I was a marshmallow like you” “it’s ok said marshy I hated the war to so I left and it seems that the vegetables have won” “but that does not mean I can’t save my friends” “so now I have been training to become a better fighter”

1 year later

I have been planning this for one year now and I have finally conquered the vegetables and have enslaved them.



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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