Jelly On The Moon

"We've arrived," announced the elf with the emerald green hat.

"Yay!" cried the fairy with the cerise dress.

They were going to the moon because they wanted to be the first to fly to the moon. The moon was bright and white when they arrived. There were little brown meteoroids everywhere. There was clear space and minute, petite stars all around them. It was the most enchanting and beautiful sight they had ever seen. However, it was as cold as standing in a fridge so they had to wear a lot of clothes, including insulating astronaut suit. It was absolutely quiet, like the sound of a withdrawn whisper.

After the two fairies and two elves planted their flag into ground, the elf with the emerald green hat realised there was no fuel in the rocket. They got nervous and worried. They couldn't even call because there was no reception on the moon. Will they be stuck on the moon forever?

"I know!" shouted the fairy with the lavender dress, excitedly. She had mist all around her helmet from her breathe. "We could use the magic picnic basket!"

"Good idea!" answered the elf with the sky blue shirt.

The magic picnic basket was a basket that gives you food and drinks whenever you want. Since they wanted to blast off into space and get back to Earth they will use the magic picnic basket by using jelly as fuel.

Whoosh! They went blasting off but they left so much pink, gooey jelly that scattered across half the moon.

Suddenly, some aliens appeared. They shyly peeked out from their underground hideouts to look outside. They were as green as a leaf in spring and wriggly like worms when they moved. They looked like gingerbread men. They had come to this planet to explore for food.

They saw the giant jelly puddle. They were happy and sad at the same time because they wouldn't need to look for food again but of some of their entrances to their homes were blocked.

They all rushed up rapidly to slurp the jelly. Slurp! Slurp! Saliva was dripping out of their mouths and they were licking their lips as they ate. Once they were finished they were so full they fell asleep for an entire hour. The next day the aliens ate the remaining jelly and the entrances to their homes were clear. All the underground fridges were completely full and the jelly could last them for another year.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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